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mctiger 08-23-2003 07:45 PM

Re: removing or relocating emergency brake handle
On Sat, 23 Aug 2003 22:52:06 GMT, "DougW"
<post.replies@invalid.address> wrote:

>mctiger wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Just for the record there is only a parking break. Even in the
>> owners manual-no emergency brake.

>And we all know the owners manual is the tome of all knowledge. Even most people do not take the time to read it...

>Your caps key is stuck.---No-Just making it clear to those who need it.
>> Emergency brake was a term used for older cars when all around DRUM
>> Brakes were in use.

>Got a news flash, those rear discs have drums inside them. Oh you mean a rear/disk(auxiliary drum) parking brake system....
>It's called a parking brake for legal reasons. When it was called
>an emergency brake the mfg could get sued should it not stop a runaway
>vehicle.It is also illegal to remove a safty item from you car...Hummmmmmmm..
>> The only name is parking brake.Used to keep the vehicles in 1
>> position.
>> Not for stunt some people do????????????????????????????

>Are you a stunt-driver? No,are you?????????????????/ Are you sure about that? As for that one-----------yes How about you professor?
>The eBrake is used in defensive driving. Research a maneuver called
>the J-turn. Done correctly it allows one to get out of bad situations,-Like you????????????
>done poorly it can flip your vehicle or brake things.
>> Just wanted to correct you .
>> Have sence,patience,and self-restrain,and no mischief will come.

>But I like mischief. oh---your so probably do not even know the term ---(Bell-Mouthed drum).

You are just a parts changer by nature.

Have sence,patience,and self-restrain,and no mischief will come.

DougW 08-23-2003 07:59 PM

Re: removing or relocating emergency brake handle
mctiger wrote:


Try that again, but next time properly format your post.

Raced SCCA for five years and also taken offensive/defensive driving
courses as part of the requirements for where my job sends me.

As for bell mouthed, that's an uneven (sloped) wear pattern on drums.

Step away from the glue.


DougW 08-23-2003 07:59 PM

Re: removing or relocating emergency brake handle
mctiger wrote:


Try that again, but next time properly format your post.

Raced SCCA for five years and also taken offensive/defensive driving
courses as part of the requirements for where my job sends me.

As for bell mouthed, that's an uneven (sloped) wear pattern on drums.

Step away from the glue.


DougW 08-23-2003 08:01 PM

Re: removing or relocating emergency brake handle
Does this poster even know how to properly format
a response?

DougW 08-23-2003 08:01 PM

Re: removing or relocating emergency brake handle
Does this poster even know how to properly format
a response?

fred 08-23-2003 08:02 PM

Re: removing or relocating emergency brake handle
>It is not usually the -40 weather that causes trouble. It is too cold
>to have any free liquid splashing around.

It's been known to go from -40f to +40f in a day and back again --
based on chinook winds, so massive thaw/freeze cycles, and
still never ever had a problem on any well maintained vehicle.

fred 08-23-2003 08:02 PM

Re: removing or relocating emergency brake handle
>It is not usually the -40 weather that causes trouble. It is too cold
>to have any free liquid splashing around.

It's been known to go from -40f to +40f in a day and back again --
based on chinook winds, so massive thaw/freeze cycles, and
still never ever had a problem on any well maintained vehicle.

mctiger 08-23-2003 08:04 PM

Re: removing or relocating emergency brake handle "Doug W"
Yes -I do know how to post a message just for you.
Have sence,patience,and self-restrain,and no mischief will come.

mctiger 08-23-2003 08:04 PM

Re: removing or relocating emergency brake handle "Doug W"
Yes -I do know how to post a message just for you.
Have sence,patience,and self-restrain,and no mischief will come.

mctiger 08-23-2003 08:20 PM

Re: removing or relocating emergency brake handle "Doug W"
I feel nothing but pitty for you.I am also surprised that you can
only use bad language on this news group.
I guess you only stay home on Sunday's.
As a technician,I can not use improper terms.(terms used for
Are you a auto tech?Or a shade tree mechanic on the week ends?
I am glad you do not do repairs in my city.
Good luck in your adventures.
Have sence,patience,and self-restrain,and no mischief will come.

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