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Lon 11-24-2004 08:46 PM

Re: Does a 97 JGC have a TCU?
Woodsy proclaimed:

> Transmission controll unit?

Yes, but I'm trying to think how it could cause rough idle unless
it locked up everything.

> I got desperate and took my Jeep to the dealer.
> It is running bad, pulling the #1 injector wire does not
> even affect idle, #4 can be felt to make a small differance, but
> not as much as the other 4. After 5 bill hours, the report is not good.
> the modules are not communicating with each other(obdII,BCM,ECM,TCM)
> and the dealer is at the start of the "lets replace" phase. Or it could be a broken
> wire and "take many hours to trouble shoot".

Crank position sensor, dirty throttle body in that order?

Can't imagine why a general diagnosis of the modules are not
communicating with each other and a mechanic with a pulse would
be all that difficult to troubleshoot.

> My point of view...
> Ran great, parked, wife drives 40 miles, gets gas, parks it back where I left it.
> I get in next morning, runs bad, from first fire on I could tell something is not
> correct. Tried it for a day or 2,some drygas,some injector bandaid, and it sputtered home, parked
> and next day, it fired up and ran smooth,(after the injector cleaner)for a while, I ran the tank out, and looked
> at pulling the fuel rail, the wires and clips seem in good shape, but I chicken'd out.
> off to the dealer it went, and 2 days later??? I have doubts.
> i know this is not a lot of information, any help or comments?
> Frank

Lon 11-24-2004 08:46 PM

Re: Does a 97 JGC have a TCU?
Woodsy proclaimed:

> Transmission controll unit?

Yes, but I'm trying to think how it could cause rough idle unless
it locked up everything.

> I got desperate and took my Jeep to the dealer.
> It is running bad, pulling the #1 injector wire does not
> even affect idle, #4 can be felt to make a small differance, but
> not as much as the other 4. After 5 bill hours, the report is not good.
> the modules are not communicating with each other(obdII,BCM,ECM,TCM)
> and the dealer is at the start of the "lets replace" phase. Or it could be a broken
> wire and "take many hours to trouble shoot".

Crank position sensor, dirty throttle body in that order?

Can't imagine why a general diagnosis of the modules are not
communicating with each other and a mechanic with a pulse would
be all that difficult to troubleshoot.

> My point of view...
> Ran great, parked, wife drives 40 miles, gets gas, parks it back where I left it.
> I get in next morning, runs bad, from first fire on I could tell something is not
> correct. Tried it for a day or 2,some drygas,some injector bandaid, and it sputtered home, parked
> and next day, it fired up and ran smooth,(after the injector cleaner)for a while, I ran the tank out, and looked
> at pulling the fuel rail, the wires and clips seem in good shape, but I chicken'd out.
> off to the dealer it went, and 2 days later??? I have doubts.
> i know this is not a lot of information, any help or comments?
> Frank

Woodsy 11-25-2004 07:49 AM

Re: Does a 97 JGC have a TCU?
On Thu, 25 Nov 2004 01:46:05 GMT, Lon <> wrote:

>Woodsy proclaimed:
>> Transmission controll unit?

> Yes, but I'm trying to think how it could cause rough idle unless
> it locked up everything.
>> I got desperate and took my Jeep to the dealer.
>> It is running bad, pulling the #1 injector wire does not
>> even affect idle, #4 can be felt to make a small differance, but
>> not as much as the other 4. After 5 bill hours, the report is not good.
>> the modules are not communicating with each other(obdII,BCM,ECM,TCM)
>> and the dealer is at the start of the "lets replace" phase. Or it could be a broken
>> wire and "take many hours to trouble shoot".

> Crank position sensor, dirty throttle body in that order?
> Can't imagine why a general diagnosis of the modules are not
> communicating with each other and a mechanic with a pulse would
> be all that difficult to troubleshoot.
>> My point of view...
>> Ran great, parked, wife drives 40 miles, gets gas, parks it back where I left it.
>> I get in next morning, runs bad, from first fire on I could tell something is not
>> correct. Tried it for a day or 2,some drygas,some injector bandaid, and it sputtered home, parked
>> and next day, it fired up and ran smooth,(after the injector cleaner)for a while, I ran the tank out, and looked
>> at pulling the fuel rail, the wires and clips seem in good shape, but I chicken'd out.
>> off to the dealer it went, and 2 days later??? I have doubts.
>> i know this is not a lot of information, any help or comments?
>> Frank

Well, I still have no Jeep, they did not get it fixed yesterday, but they did get it to run.
Last words where...
Found the bad wire, now they are talking to each other, and we can now fix it.
We cleaned the throttle body, the fuel rail and checked all the connectors.
quote-"he does not think it will be done by 5, and we dont work tomoro, he is trying to
get the fuel rail clean,so it will be friday"
"we are still under $500"
"there is some question with the O2 sensors"
my reply-"replace them" (about 120k on odometer)

Walking away yesterday, I was pleased, they seem to have it under control.

Looking forward to looking under the hood friday, there had better be lots of dielectric on the connectors!
At some point I requested the ground strap and CPS be replaced, they do not think they are needed.

Thinking back, I drowned the engine last winter, had to make a round trip to Buffalo (90m there) on a lake
effect morning, The snow in the drive was drifted to 4' and I "its a Jeep" floored it and went thru them, hundreds of
feet of them, stopped in the lee of the shack at the road, removed the snow (a drift in itself blocking all forward
view) and on I went. As she warmed up, she ran worse, leaving me sitting about 14 miles into the trip. Got up under the
hood, and mechanically removed the rest of the snow/ice that was packed up and under the hood. Thankfully restarted,
just sort of run like c()p Looked under while at lunch in Buffalo, stuck the O2 sensor wire back on , and forgot all
about it (nice sunny day in Buffalo) This may account for the broken wire, or just massive water in the connectors
that has now bit me. Then again that was a year ago, and neither rain nor snow seems to have affected operation.
Fun part is , the drifts and driveway are a normal thing, done ?once a week? for years. (clean out drive after work,in
prep for the next "dump")

Looking forward to Jeep'n again, as I am down to 3 beers and 1 pack of smokes!

Happy Thanksgiving!



Off the Grid, Off the Road, Off my Rocker...

Woodsy 11-25-2004 07:49 AM

Re: Does a 97 JGC have a TCU?
On Thu, 25 Nov 2004 01:46:05 GMT, Lon <> wrote:

>Woodsy proclaimed:
>> Transmission controll unit?

> Yes, but I'm trying to think how it could cause rough idle unless
> it locked up everything.
>> I got desperate and took my Jeep to the dealer.
>> It is running bad, pulling the #1 injector wire does not
>> even affect idle, #4 can be felt to make a small differance, but
>> not as much as the other 4. After 5 bill hours, the report is not good.
>> the modules are not communicating with each other(obdII,BCM,ECM,TCM)
>> and the dealer is at the start of the "lets replace" phase. Or it could be a broken
>> wire and "take many hours to trouble shoot".

> Crank position sensor, dirty throttle body in that order?
> Can't imagine why a general diagnosis of the modules are not
> communicating with each other and a mechanic with a pulse would
> be all that difficult to troubleshoot.
>> My point of view...
>> Ran great, parked, wife drives 40 miles, gets gas, parks it back where I left it.
>> I get in next morning, runs bad, from first fire on I could tell something is not
>> correct. Tried it for a day or 2,some drygas,some injector bandaid, and it sputtered home, parked
>> and next day, it fired up and ran smooth,(after the injector cleaner)for a while, I ran the tank out, and looked
>> at pulling the fuel rail, the wires and clips seem in good shape, but I chicken'd out.
>> off to the dealer it went, and 2 days later??? I have doubts.
>> i know this is not a lot of information, any help or comments?
>> Frank

Well, I still have no Jeep, they did not get it fixed yesterday, but they did get it to run.
Last words where...
Found the bad wire, now they are talking to each other, and we can now fix it.
We cleaned the throttle body, the fuel rail and checked all the connectors.
quote-"he does not think it will be done by 5, and we dont work tomoro, he is trying to
get the fuel rail clean,so it will be friday"
"we are still under $500"
"there is some question with the O2 sensors"
my reply-"replace them" (about 120k on odometer)

Walking away yesterday, I was pleased, they seem to have it under control.

Looking forward to looking under the hood friday, there had better be lots of dielectric on the connectors!
At some point I requested the ground strap and CPS be replaced, they do not think they are needed.

Thinking back, I drowned the engine last winter, had to make a round trip to Buffalo (90m there) on a lake
effect morning, The snow in the drive was drifted to 4' and I "its a Jeep" floored it and went thru them, hundreds of
feet of them, stopped in the lee of the shack at the road, removed the snow (a drift in itself blocking all forward
view) and on I went. As she warmed up, she ran worse, leaving me sitting about 14 miles into the trip. Got up under the
hood, and mechanically removed the rest of the snow/ice that was packed up and under the hood. Thankfully restarted,
just sort of run like c()p Looked under while at lunch in Buffalo, stuck the O2 sensor wire back on , and forgot all
about it (nice sunny day in Buffalo) This may account for the broken wire, or just massive water in the connectors
that has now bit me. Then again that was a year ago, and neither rain nor snow seems to have affected operation.
Fun part is , the drifts and driveway are a normal thing, done ?once a week? for years. (clean out drive after work,in
prep for the next "dump")

Looking forward to Jeep'n again, as I am down to 3 beers and 1 pack of smokes!

Happy Thanksgiving!



Off the Grid, Off the Road, Off my Rocker...

Woodsy 11-25-2004 07:49 AM

Re: Does a 97 JGC have a TCU?
On Thu, 25 Nov 2004 01:46:05 GMT, Lon <> wrote:

>Woodsy proclaimed:
>> Transmission controll unit?

> Yes, but I'm trying to think how it could cause rough idle unless
> it locked up everything.
>> I got desperate and took my Jeep to the dealer.
>> It is running bad, pulling the #1 injector wire does not
>> even affect idle, #4 can be felt to make a small differance, but
>> not as much as the other 4. After 5 bill hours, the report is not good.
>> the modules are not communicating with each other(obdII,BCM,ECM,TCM)
>> and the dealer is at the start of the "lets replace" phase. Or it could be a broken
>> wire and "take many hours to trouble shoot".

> Crank position sensor, dirty throttle body in that order?
> Can't imagine why a general diagnosis of the modules are not
> communicating with each other and a mechanic with a pulse would
> be all that difficult to troubleshoot.
>> My point of view...
>> Ran great, parked, wife drives 40 miles, gets gas, parks it back where I left it.
>> I get in next morning, runs bad, from first fire on I could tell something is not
>> correct. Tried it for a day or 2,some drygas,some injector bandaid, and it sputtered home, parked
>> and next day, it fired up and ran smooth,(after the injector cleaner)for a while, I ran the tank out, and looked
>> at pulling the fuel rail, the wires and clips seem in good shape, but I chicken'd out.
>> off to the dealer it went, and 2 days later??? I have doubts.
>> i know this is not a lot of information, any help or comments?
>> Frank

Well, I still have no Jeep, they did not get it fixed yesterday, but they did get it to run.
Last words where...
Found the bad wire, now they are talking to each other, and we can now fix it.
We cleaned the throttle body, the fuel rail and checked all the connectors.
quote-"he does not think it will be done by 5, and we dont work tomoro, he is trying to
get the fuel rail clean,so it will be friday"
"we are still under $500"
"there is some question with the O2 sensors"
my reply-"replace them" (about 120k on odometer)

Walking away yesterday, I was pleased, they seem to have it under control.

Looking forward to looking under the hood friday, there had better be lots of dielectric on the connectors!
At some point I requested the ground strap and CPS be replaced, they do not think they are needed.

Thinking back, I drowned the engine last winter, had to make a round trip to Buffalo (90m there) on a lake
effect morning, The snow in the drive was drifted to 4' and I "its a Jeep" floored it and went thru them, hundreds of
feet of them, stopped in the lee of the shack at the road, removed the snow (a drift in itself blocking all forward
view) and on I went. As she warmed up, she ran worse, leaving me sitting about 14 miles into the trip. Got up under the
hood, and mechanically removed the rest of the snow/ice that was packed up and under the hood. Thankfully restarted,
just sort of run like c()p Looked under while at lunch in Buffalo, stuck the O2 sensor wire back on , and forgot all
about it (nice sunny day in Buffalo) This may account for the broken wire, or just massive water in the connectors
that has now bit me. Then again that was a year ago, and neither rain nor snow seems to have affected operation.
Fun part is , the drifts and driveway are a normal thing, done ?once a week? for years. (clean out drive after work,in
prep for the next "dump")

Looking forward to Jeep'n again, as I am down to 3 beers and 1 pack of smokes!

Happy Thanksgiving!



Off the Grid, Off the Road, Off my Rocker...

mic canic 11-27-2004 09:59 AM

Re: Does a 97 JGC have a TCU?
as a jeep dealer tech i'm sorry to say take it to another dealer! 5 hours to tell you that there is no comm.between
modules can be found out in 5 minutes using a drb3 scantool with it set on module scan. demand some money bac
i would bet a rookie got yor jeep and not a experenced tech
depending on the fuel mangement system a jeep can have a tcm but some are part of the pcm

Woodsy wrote:

> Transmission controll unit?
> I got desperate and took my Jeep to the dealer.
> It is running bad, pulling the #1 injector wire does not
> even affect idle, #4 can be felt to make a small differance, but
> not as much as the other 4. After 5 bill hours, the report is not good.
> the modules are not communicating with each other(obdII,BCM,ECM,TCM)
> and the dealer is at the start of the "lets replace" phase. Or it could be a broken
> wire and "take many hours to trouble shoot".
> My point of view...
> Ran great, parked, wife drives 40 miles, gets gas, parks it back where I left it.
> I get in next morning, runs bad, from first fire on I could tell something is not
> correct. Tried it for a day or 2,some drygas,some injector bandaid, and it sputtered home, parked
> and next day, it fired up and ran smooth,(after the injector cleaner)for a while, I ran the tank out, and looked
> at pulling the fuel rail, the wires and clips seem in good shape, but I chicken'd out.
> off to the dealer it went, and 2 days later??? I have doubts.
> i know this is not a lot of information, any help or comments?
> Frank
> --
> Woodsy,
> Off the Grid, Off the Road, Off my Rocker...

mic canic 11-27-2004 09:59 AM

Re: Does a 97 JGC have a TCU?
as a jeep dealer tech i'm sorry to say take it to another dealer! 5 hours to tell you that there is no comm.between
modules can be found out in 5 minutes using a drb3 scantool with it set on module scan. demand some money bac
i would bet a rookie got yor jeep and not a experenced tech
depending on the fuel mangement system a jeep can have a tcm but some are part of the pcm

Woodsy wrote:

> Transmission controll unit?
> I got desperate and took my Jeep to the dealer.
> It is running bad, pulling the #1 injector wire does not
> even affect idle, #4 can be felt to make a small differance, but
> not as much as the other 4. After 5 bill hours, the report is not good.
> the modules are not communicating with each other(obdII,BCM,ECM,TCM)
> and the dealer is at the start of the "lets replace" phase. Or it could be a broken
> wire and "take many hours to trouble shoot".
> My point of view...
> Ran great, parked, wife drives 40 miles, gets gas, parks it back where I left it.
> I get in next morning, runs bad, from first fire on I could tell something is not
> correct. Tried it for a day or 2,some drygas,some injector bandaid, and it sputtered home, parked
> and next day, it fired up and ran smooth,(after the injector cleaner)for a while, I ran the tank out, and looked
> at pulling the fuel rail, the wires and clips seem in good shape, but I chicken'd out.
> off to the dealer it went, and 2 days later??? I have doubts.
> i know this is not a lot of information, any help or comments?
> Frank
> --
> Woodsy,
> Off the Grid, Off the Road, Off my Rocker...

mic canic 11-27-2004 09:59 AM

Re: Does a 97 JGC have a TCU?
as a jeep dealer tech i'm sorry to say take it to another dealer! 5 hours to tell you that there is no comm.between
modules can be found out in 5 minutes using a drb3 scantool with it set on module scan. demand some money bac
i would bet a rookie got yor jeep and not a experenced tech
depending on the fuel mangement system a jeep can have a tcm but some are part of the pcm

Woodsy wrote:

> Transmission controll unit?
> I got desperate and took my Jeep to the dealer.
> It is running bad, pulling the #1 injector wire does not
> even affect idle, #4 can be felt to make a small differance, but
> not as much as the other 4. After 5 bill hours, the report is not good.
> the modules are not communicating with each other(obdII,BCM,ECM,TCM)
> and the dealer is at the start of the "lets replace" phase. Or it could be a broken
> wire and "take many hours to trouble shoot".
> My point of view...
> Ran great, parked, wife drives 40 miles, gets gas, parks it back where I left it.
> I get in next morning, runs bad, from first fire on I could tell something is not
> correct. Tried it for a day or 2,some drygas,some injector bandaid, and it sputtered home, parked
> and next day, it fired up and ran smooth,(after the injector cleaner)for a while, I ran the tank out, and looked
> at pulling the fuel rail, the wires and clips seem in good shape, but I chicken'd out.
> off to the dealer it went, and 2 days later??? I have doubts.
> i know this is not a lot of information, any help or comments?
> Frank
> --
> Woodsy,
> Off the Grid, Off the Road, Off my Rocker...

Woodsy 11-27-2004 02:34 PM

Re: Does a 97 JGC have a TCU?
On Sat, 27 Nov 2004 14:59:56 GMT, mic canic <> wrote:

>as a jeep dealer tech i'm sorry to say take it to another dealer! 5 hours to tell you that there is no comm.between
>modules can be found out in 5 minutes using a drb3 scantool with it set on module scan. demand some money bac
>i would bet a rookie got yor jeep and not a experenced tech
>depending on the fuel mangement system a jeep can have a tcm but some are part of the pcm

Picked my beloved Jeep yesterday afternoon.
most of the below verbatim, may be one or two typo's from me.

Job 1-
customer states: check engine light is on runs really rough very low on gas ck and rep.
(customer stated "I think I got a load of bad gas, ran it out, stuck some fuel injector cleaner in,worked great till I
filled it up again, and now #1 and #4 dont seem to affect idle when pulled off)
Correction: ckd for engine light on has several different codes stored inj circ open cyl 1p0201 idle cent syst eff p0505
tps cir high ect sensor circ high iat circ high input inj 4 open b 1/1 o2 sensor circ high o2 heaer malfunction bank
1 cyl 1 misfire attempt to scan for all the dtc codes scanner unable to communicate performed diag no results called
star for further assistance ckd ohms and voltages on sci receiver and transmit wires cck and and compared with specs
advised to hot wire sci receiver and transmit wires to bypas ecu to datalink wiring harness this showed ecu is ok and
wir sci tp datalink ok ckd and started tracing for broken wires cdk wiring harness cdk supercard version to assure
update ok advised to eliminate all 5 ref based sensors ckd cam cran tps map bypass cab module to assure its ok it is
compared datalink pin 6&7 voltage reading with or without drb plug in share reading with start aslo noted ecu pins 27
and 29 cdk traced wiring harnesses and found ground at pin 4 of datalin traced ground from below rf headlamp repaired
wire and reass and recheck system able to communicate now and reset codes rechecked with drb able to read now and
communicate with
7$ for sleeves (presumed O-rings on injectors/fuel rail)
3.2$ for cleaner
96.37$ for O2 sensor (what the hay, throw one on there!!!)
780$ labor
Job 2-
Customer states: ck tune up (sure, Im sure it could need it, it only gets 22mpg,well,21.5 unless the Ol'lady drives it
then more like 19)
Correction: cdk tune up cap rotor wires look original and found rotor causing it to arc removed and replaced cap rotor
and wires ck ok now
41.7$ cable pkg
11.7$ cap distr
15.99$ rotor dis
60$ labor

Job 3-
Customer requests a 6cyl spark plug replacement and service platinum plugs require and additional charge
16.2$ worth of sparkplugs
63.25$ labor

recheck all codes and erased codes still had code for o2 sensor fai removed and replaced o2 sensor cleaned throttle body
with special cleaner and reomved and cleaned injectors and fuel rail installed orings and recheck system again runs
starts and no more light on

Total labor 903$
total parts 189$
tax 79$

The tune up and O2 sensor were approved by me.
I have put off looking under the hood.
(wondering if DOC has any sample "happy pills" before I do!!!!!)
If the ground points have been scraped clean and repainted/greased
and the connectors are "lubed and clean" with no holes poked in wires
I may be very forgiving. If the tank was dropped......................................
This jeep is slated for the junk pile some time in
the year 2020. Unless they no longer sell hard axle jeeps, then I will be forced
to keep on driving "her".

Thank you for your time!

>Woodsy wrote:
>> Transmission controll unit?
>> I got desperate and took my Jeep to the dealer.
>> It is running bad, pulling the #1 injector wire does not
>> even affect idle, #4 can be felt to make a small differance, but
>> not as much as the other 4. After 5 bill hours, the report is not good.
>> the modules are not communicating with each other(obdII,BCM,ECM,TCM)
>> and the dealer is at the start of the "lets replace" phase. Or it could be a broken
>> wire and "take many hours to trouble shoot".
>> My point of view...
>> Ran great, parked, wife drives 40 miles, gets gas, parks it back where I left it.
>> I get in next morning, runs bad, from first fire on I could tell something is not
>> correct. Tried it for a day or 2,some drygas,some injector bandaid, and it sputtered home, parked
>> and next day, it fired up and ran smooth,(after the injector cleaner)for a while, I ran the tank out, and looked
>> at pulling the fuel rail, the wires and clips seem in good shape, but I chicken'd out.
>> off to the dealer it went, and 2 days later??? I have doubts.
>> i know this is not a lot of information, any help or comments?
>> Frank
>> --
>> Woodsy,
>> Off the Grid, Off the Road, Off my Rocker...


Off the Grid, Off the Road, Off my Rocker...

Woodsy 11-27-2004 02:34 PM

Re: Does a 97 JGC have a TCU?
On Sat, 27 Nov 2004 14:59:56 GMT, mic canic <> wrote:

>as a jeep dealer tech i'm sorry to say take it to another dealer! 5 hours to tell you that there is no comm.between
>modules can be found out in 5 minutes using a drb3 scantool with it set on module scan. demand some money bac
>i would bet a rookie got yor jeep and not a experenced tech
>depending on the fuel mangement system a jeep can have a tcm but some are part of the pcm

Picked my beloved Jeep yesterday afternoon.
most of the below verbatim, may be one or two typo's from me.

Job 1-
customer states: check engine light is on runs really rough very low on gas ck and rep.
(customer stated "I think I got a load of bad gas, ran it out, stuck some fuel injector cleaner in,worked great till I
filled it up again, and now #1 and #4 dont seem to affect idle when pulled off)
Correction: ckd for engine light on has several different codes stored inj circ open cyl 1p0201 idle cent syst eff p0505
tps cir high ect sensor circ high iat circ high input inj 4 open b 1/1 o2 sensor circ high o2 heaer malfunction bank
1 cyl 1 misfire attempt to scan for all the dtc codes scanner unable to communicate performed diag no results called
star for further assistance ckd ohms and voltages on sci receiver and transmit wires cck and and compared with specs
advised to hot wire sci receiver and transmit wires to bypas ecu to datalink wiring harness this showed ecu is ok and
wir sci tp datalink ok ckd and started tracing for broken wires cdk wiring harness cdk supercard version to assure
update ok advised to eliminate all 5 ref based sensors ckd cam cran tps map bypass cab module to assure its ok it is
compared datalink pin 6&7 voltage reading with or without drb plug in share reading with start aslo noted ecu pins 27
and 29 cdk traced wiring harnesses and found ground at pin 4 of datalin traced ground from below rf headlamp repaired
wire and reass and recheck system able to communicate now and reset codes rechecked with drb able to read now and
communicate with
7$ for sleeves (presumed O-rings on injectors/fuel rail)
3.2$ for cleaner
96.37$ for O2 sensor (what the hay, throw one on there!!!)
780$ labor
Job 2-
Customer states: ck tune up (sure, Im sure it could need it, it only gets 22mpg,well,21.5 unless the Ol'lady drives it
then more like 19)
Correction: cdk tune up cap rotor wires look original and found rotor causing it to arc removed and replaced cap rotor
and wires ck ok now
41.7$ cable pkg
11.7$ cap distr
15.99$ rotor dis
60$ labor

Job 3-
Customer requests a 6cyl spark plug replacement and service platinum plugs require and additional charge
16.2$ worth of sparkplugs
63.25$ labor

recheck all codes and erased codes still had code for o2 sensor fai removed and replaced o2 sensor cleaned throttle body
with special cleaner and reomved and cleaned injectors and fuel rail installed orings and recheck system again runs
starts and no more light on

Total labor 903$
total parts 189$
tax 79$

The tune up and O2 sensor were approved by me.
I have put off looking under the hood.
(wondering if DOC has any sample "happy pills" before I do!!!!!)
If the ground points have been scraped clean and repainted/greased
and the connectors are "lubed and clean" with no holes poked in wires
I may be very forgiving. If the tank was dropped......................................
This jeep is slated for the junk pile some time in
the year 2020. Unless they no longer sell hard axle jeeps, then I will be forced
to keep on driving "her".

Thank you for your time!

>Woodsy wrote:
>> Transmission controll unit?
>> I got desperate and took my Jeep to the dealer.
>> It is running bad, pulling the #1 injector wire does not
>> even affect idle, #4 can be felt to make a small differance, but
>> not as much as the other 4. After 5 bill hours, the report is not good.
>> the modules are not communicating with each other(obdII,BCM,ECM,TCM)
>> and the dealer is at the start of the "lets replace" phase. Or it could be a broken
>> wire and "take many hours to trouble shoot".
>> My point of view...
>> Ran great, parked, wife drives 40 miles, gets gas, parks it back where I left it.
>> I get in next morning, runs bad, from first fire on I could tell something is not
>> correct. Tried it for a day or 2,some drygas,some injector bandaid, and it sputtered home, parked
>> and next day, it fired up and ran smooth,(after the injector cleaner)for a while, I ran the tank out, and looked
>> at pulling the fuel rail, the wires and clips seem in good shape, but I chicken'd out.
>> off to the dealer it went, and 2 days later??? I have doubts.
>> i know this is not a lot of information, any help or comments?
>> Frank
>> --
>> Woodsy,
>> Off the Grid, Off the Road, Off my Rocker...


Off the Grid, Off the Road, Off my Rocker...

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