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L.W.(=?iso-8859-1?Q?=DFill?=) Hughes III 06-05-2005 05:10 PM

Re: Detroit Vs Japan
Except there's no reason to build a push rod for seven grand, when
five would be a more efficient in a boat. Generators would be better
served with low RPM heavy diesels, where speed of transportation is not
a factor.
God Bless America, ßill O|||||||O
mailto:-------------------- wrote:
> You put a SB Chev on a generator or a prop drive and run it 100
> _continuous_ hours-feeding it cool clean oil and glycol-at 7000 rpm,
> I'll believe that.

Billy Ray 06-21-2005 11:08 AM

Re: Where to move to

A few years ago my parents were looking for a replacement for their 16 year
old car. The US automakers no longer made a 4 door hatchback like they
wanted. When I mentioned a model produced by a Japanese company my father
nixed the idea by saying "I haven't gotten over WWII yet, it has only been
55 years".


"L.W. ("ßill") ------ III" <> wrote in message
> America, love it, or leave it! You got a problem with that?
> God Bless America, ßill O|||||||O
> mailto:--------------------
> JohnM wrote:
>> Geez, bill, why so nasty?

Billy Ray 06-21-2005 11:08 AM

Re: Where to move to

A few years ago my parents were looking for a replacement for their 16 year
old car. The US automakers no longer made a 4 door hatchback like they
wanted. When I mentioned a model produced by a Japanese company my father
nixed the idea by saying "I haven't gotten over WWII yet, it has only been
55 years".


"L.W. ("ßill") ------ III" <> wrote in message
> America, love it, or leave it! You got a problem with that?
> God Bless America, ßill O|||||||O
> mailto:--------------------
> JohnM wrote:
>> Geez, bill, why so nasty?

Billy Ray 06-21-2005 11:08 AM

Re: Where to move to

A few years ago my parents were looking for a replacement for their 16 year
old car. The US automakers no longer made a 4 door hatchback like they
wanted. When I mentioned a model produced by a Japanese company my father
nixed the idea by saying "I haven't gotten over WWII yet, it has only been
55 years".


"L.W. ("ßill") ------ III" <> wrote in message
> America, love it, or leave it! You got a problem with that?
> God Bless America, ßill O|||||||O
> mailto:--------------------
> JohnM wrote:
>> Geez, bill, why so nasty?

Billy Ray 06-21-2005 11:08 AM

Re: Where to move to

A few years ago my parents were looking for a replacement for their 16 year
old car. The US automakers no longer made a 4 door hatchback like they
wanted. When I mentioned a model produced by a Japanese company my father
nixed the idea by saying "I haven't gotten over WWII yet, it has only been
55 years".


"L.W. ("ßill") ------ III" <> wrote in message
> America, love it, or leave it! You got a problem with that?
> God Bless America, ßill O|||||||O
> mailto:--------------------
> JohnM wrote:
>> Geez, bill, why so nasty?

L.W.(=?iso-8859-1?Q?=DFill?=) Hughes III 06-21-2005 02:23 PM

Re: Where to move to
I haven't gotten over my best friends death, either: But I'm sure many bleeding heart
liberals will be buying from Vietnam now that's open.
God Bless America, ßill O|||||||O

Billy Ray wrote:
> Bill,
> A few years ago my parents were looking for a replacement for their 16 year
> old car. The US automakers no longer made a 4 door hatchback like they
> wanted. When I mentioned a model produced by a Japanese company my father
> nixed the idea by saying "I haven't gotten over WWII yet, it has only been
> 55 years".
> Billy

L.W.(=?iso-8859-1?Q?=DFill?=) Hughes III 06-21-2005 02:23 PM

Re: Where to move to
I haven't gotten over my best friends death, either: But I'm sure many bleeding heart
liberals will be buying from Vietnam now that's open.
God Bless America, ßill O|||||||O

Billy Ray wrote:
> Bill,
> A few years ago my parents were looking for a replacement for their 16 year
> old car. The US automakers no longer made a 4 door hatchback like they
> wanted. When I mentioned a model produced by a Japanese company my father
> nixed the idea by saying "I haven't gotten over WWII yet, it has only been
> 55 years".
> Billy

L.W.(=?iso-8859-1?Q?=DFill?=) Hughes III 06-21-2005 02:23 PM

Re: Where to move to
I haven't gotten over my best friends death, either: But I'm sure many bleeding heart
liberals will be buying from Vietnam now that's open.
God Bless America, ßill O|||||||O

Billy Ray wrote:
> Bill,
> A few years ago my parents were looking for a replacement for their 16 year
> old car. The US automakers no longer made a 4 door hatchback like they
> wanted. When I mentioned a model produced by a Japanese company my father
> nixed the idea by saying "I haven't gotten over WWII yet, it has only been
> 55 years".
> Billy

L.W.(=?iso-8859-1?Q?=DFill?=) Hughes III 06-21-2005 02:23 PM

Re: Where to move to
I haven't gotten over my best friends death, either: But I'm sure many bleeding heart
liberals will be buying from Vietnam now that's open.
God Bless America, ßill O|||||||O

Billy Ray wrote:
> Bill,
> A few years ago my parents were looking for a replacement for their 16 year
> old car. The US automakers no longer made a 4 door hatchback like they
> wanted. When I mentioned a model produced by a Japanese company my father
> nixed the idea by saying "I haven't gotten over WWII yet, it has only been
> 55 years".
> Billy

Billy Ray 06-23-2005 12:54 AM

2002 WJ 4 liter automatic (Grand Cherokee)

In my '02 WJ 4 liter automatic I have no illumination on my transmission or
transfer case shifters at night. I took the console apart a week or so ago
and where I expected to find a couple burnt out bulbs there were no bulbs.

There is, however, a thin plastic sheet with 2 electric terminals that go to
a small "black box" that then plugs into a part of the wiring harness at the
aft end of the shifter mechanism..

Is that plastic sheet the lighting unit? Is there a proper test procedure?

Thanks in advance,


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