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CrazyWJ242 06-07-2010 09:06 PM

Re: What Did You Do To Your GC Today
DAMN YOU DAN! :alcoholic:


CrazyWJ242 06-07-2010 09:10 PM

Re: What Did You Do To Your GC Today
thankfully it was nothing!!! :banana:

i was going to say i gave that block a real good once over! i wouldn't have missed that!

04WJGuy 06-08-2010 10:09 AM

Re: What Did You Do To Your GC Today
That's the problem with pics at times, can't really tell from the angle but better safe than sorry. couldn't tell if it was a line from the gasket or something more serious. Glad it wasn't anything important.

CrazyWJ242 06-08-2010 06:07 PM

Re: What Did You Do To Your GC Today
haha i was pretty intense for a minute there like ohh god no please dont be cracked :-p

i have the pistons sanded down to 500 grit, going to take them all the way to 1200 and then hit them up with some 10,000 grit polishing compound, and then hit it with some parts cleaner to remove any residue... hopefully we can get them smooth and shiney...

the head is definetly going to require alot more elbow grease... its pitted like all hell... i'll take some high res pics of the combustion chamber when i get a chance...

04WJGuy 06-09-2010 09:57 AM

Re: What Did You Do To Your GC Today
Cool, hope it turns out well.
Leaving today for 3 weeks of fishing and trail running in Southern Alberta and BC, so won't be on to much. Will take lots of pics though. Hope that head turns out well and no more surprises.
Will check in occasionally, I think a couple of the campgrounds have WiFi.

04WJGuy 06-21-2010 08:40 AM

Re: What Did You Do To Your GC Today
Well its been a fun trip so far, beautiful weather until the 5th day and the skies opened up. Campsite was almost washed away due to flooding in the pass. Luckily everyone managed to pack up and make it through the water crossings ok and with only some minor damage to a friends jeep on a very slippery downhill section. He has an excuse for a new bumper now though. Somehow I managed to snag the wiring for my window washers with the tire so have a minor repair to do today and then off to the much drier climate of the okanogan for 2 weeks.

CrazyWJ242 06-24-2010 07:54 PM

Re: What Did You Do To Your GC Today
i've got 40C heat going on down here... i havn't touched my jeep in a week or so and its driving me nuts...

04WJGuy 07-02-2010 02:10 AM

Re: What Did You Do To Your GC Today
I start to melt after 15C, glad I'm not there. Still laying on the beach in Vernon though :)

CrazyWJ242 07-02-2010 09:29 AM

Re: What Did You Do To Your GC Today
yeah down here its a work late, or garage it... otherwise your going to suffer...

this sucks, i'm giving the Excursion a good once over (ever change the belt on one... its like doing one on a jeep with 8.5" of lift SHEESH) my mother is making a road trip out to Ontario, then heading over to NB, and then back down to NC...

unfortunately i wont be joining her (unless i get this contract for some CCTV work), but im looking at firing up the ZJ in the next few weeks... i gave it a little bit of a port and polish, i need to upload the pics

got a new vehicle in the family fleet, my brother picked up a 99 Mustang GT, has had a bit of work done to it too, smooth running car, needs some interior work done on it, but not a bad project car for him

04WJGuy 07-09-2010 02:31 PM

Re: What Did You Do To Your GC Today
1 Attachment(s)
Well I'm back from the slightly sunny skies of the Okanogan, another 7k on the odometer and only casualty this trip is a minor leak in the valve cover gasket, also hit a milestone at Valemount on the way out. The Jeep is finally broken in! Now I just have to go do another oil change after all that.

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