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04WJGuy 05-14-2010 08:50 PM

Re: What Did You Do To Your GC Today
He hasn't learned the fine art of washing off the chassis after offroading so somebody's going to be covered in dirt tomorrow. Think I'll break out the lawnchair and supervise from the sidelines :)

04WJGuy 05-15-2010 04:24 PM

Re: What Did You Do To Your GC Today
Well I really wish I had a video camera this morning, got the boy out under my Jeep this morning so he could see first hand where everything is located and what to do when changing out all the fluids.

So after I get mine done it's his turn to do his. Right off the bat he drops the oil plug into the pan and had to fish that out. Then while taking off the old filter he managed to drop it.
The transmission...let's just say the pan won...
Told him to loosen the front bolts and then slowly take the rest out, he took them all out, smacked the pan and guess who got an oil bath? Maybe he'll start listening to the old codger next time.
Did well on the diffs and T/C though.
Right now he's making friends with 2 big bags of kitty litter and a big jug of driveway degreaser.

CrazyWJ242 05-16-2010 12:11 AM

Re: What Did You Do To Your GC Today
HAHA classic stuff right there!

so i got mine sitting on rubber again, down side is the pinion seal leaks (since it actually has enough fluid in it now) and theres just way too much vertical movement in my pinion for my comfort... so its looking like upgrading the axles before i head home...

im debating on how heavy duty i want to go, i can probably source Dana 60's for -$500 per the same costs of the HP30 and Ford 8.8 (or D44). just alot more fabrication necessary to get the 60's under... hmmm i know eventually i want big lift and 37's under it... but that is going to be a ways down the road... but for the same costs... why not right... ugh...

freaking decisions...

04WJGuy 05-16-2010 12:49 PM

Re: What Did You Do To Your GC Today
If you have the time before you come back then do the 60's. If not then the 30 and 44, then you can sell those to help finance the 60's later. I already know someone who will take the HP30...

CrazyWJ242 05-16-2010 06:08 PM

Re: What Did You Do To Your GC Today
yeah its probably the route that im going to end up going, i'll even upgrade the 30 a bit to prolong it... i figure i still have my brothers in the states, they can pick up the parts for me and i can drive down and get them, would probably still end up cheaper than getting them up home...

i'll be on the look out for 2 high pinions... i've seen them as low as $50 for a worn out unit, and around $350- 500 for built units... i can always drag up an extra one...

i've got to head to this junkyard i've been hearing about in Clayton (20 minute drive), there supposed to have a ton of jeeps, and its $50 to get in, all the cars are up on stilts so you dont have to jack them up to get anything from underneath, and they keep it mowed, although only help they'll give you is a wheelbarrow to carry your tools and your parts... hope thats how it is

04WJGuy 05-16-2010 08:35 PM

Re: What Did You Do To Your GC Today
Sounds like a nice rec area to me, some of these places here should take note of what it should be like.

CrazyWJ242 05-17-2010 12:58 PM

Re: What Did You Do To Your GC Today
ugh if only it wasn't raining, its supposed to be miserable the next couple days...

my neighbour picked up a WJ... it makes me sad, ZJ's are nice but man the front end of the WJ is soo much better... grrr

i think today is gonna be a day without wrenching on the ZJ
so im trying to figure out the extent of the potential damage going on with my 4.0L

when i start it up its super smooth, no smoke nothing, but then as soon as the thermostat opens up, it starts puffing out smoke...

now he's said he's had head work done on it and valve work, which is known to huff and puff for a while, i only noticed the smoke after i put the exhaust back on it... so it could be something in there... i think i've got some figuring out to do...

04WJGuy 05-17-2010 06:28 PM

Re: What Did You Do To Your GC Today
Either you got some oil in the pipe or it could be pushing some oil past the guides, hopefully it's just some leftover build grease that burning off.

CrazyWJ242 05-21-2010 04:18 PM

Re: What Did You Do To Your GC Today
yeah thats what im hoping... im going to look into it over the weekend... hopefully it'll be something simple... i just put in new plugs so i'll take them out and see what kinda signs might be on there...

right now im taking the Dana 35C apart... going to see if i can smooth out that pinion play... might have to be re-torqued i dunno... some grease might help too, going to see what kinda wear indicator the pinion is giving and adjust accordingly...

still going to swap it...

CrazyWJ242 05-22-2010 07:36 PM

Re: What Did You Do To Your GC Today

I really wish this was an old parts pile... lol cause none of it i want to keep...

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